What happens after the client accepts your Project Proposal?

What happens after the client accepts your Project Proposal?

Clients accepts (or rejects) a proposal after evaluating one or more proposals. If your proposal gets accepted, you'll receive "Proposal Accepted" notification. Subsequently, Morff sends an E-agreement for E-signing.

In the meanwhile, you can complete your Morff profile by updating your KYC settings.

Follow the undermentioned steps to find the KYC Settings window,

1. Login to your Morff Profile
2. Click on the Hamburger button, located on the right hand side of the desktop. A dropdown menu will appear.
3. From the dropdown menu, select settings.
4. On the settings window, you'll find the User Settings and KYC Settings.
5. Click on the KYC Settings, and update you Tax and Bank account details.

If you have any doubts regarding the lead or the proposal, feel free to connect with us on

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