Morff Portfolio

Creating your portfolio on Morff

Making a beautiful portfolio does not have to tedious, boring or expensive. Morff portfolio is built to make portfolio creation super simple. Whether you are freelancing on Morff or you want to share your work with your potential clients or employers, Morff provides the best way to create a secure and private portfolio and it's 100% free!

You can do this in 4 simple steps:

First, sign-in to your Morff account.
If you are not registered yet, you need to create an account. 

Under Profile menu, check the Portfolio tab
Your empty portfolio section look like this. Click on the "Add portfolio" button to start creating. 

1. Portfolio Add
Each portfolio item will have 4 simple sections. Start by giving a name, client name (optional) and a brief description of the work.

2. Portfolio Files
Tap "Browse files" or drag and drop files in to the 'Attachments' window. Currently, we accept only .png .jpg and .gif files  only.

3. Portfolio - Reorder
Drag to reorder your portfolio images. The first file image appear as the card cover.

4. Portfolio - Tags
Pick up to 3 tags from a selection of over 100 different services and click "Continue".

In our next release, these tags will also help you filter your portfolio items.

That's it. You will have successfully created your first portfolio project on Morff. As you upload more work on Morff, you have a better chance of receiving relevant leads.

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